Dean Hawk is one of the nation’s most creative and contagious communicators. When you get around him or his teaching materials you can’t help but raise the bar on your ministry presentations. Give him a biblical topic and he’ll create a visual message to bring the Word of God alive in people’s hearts and minds.

Jesus used coins, sheep, seeds, weeds, farmers, and camels to convey His message.  Dean has chosen to use items from our culture today to make the Bible practical and relevant for everyday living.

Dean’s ministry career and creativity began in 1981.  Prior to his transition to a senior pastor role in 2004, Dean worked with teenagers and families for 23 years in the local church as a youth pastor.  Still to this day he keeps pushing the accelerator to capture the 70% of our population who are visual learners.  On any given Sunday, you might see Dean slide down a zip line, ride a unicycle or roll a coffin onto the stage - all to capture people’s attention and help them understand a Biblical truth.

Dean’s favorite titles these days are “Husband”, “Dad”, and “Pops” as he enjoys time with his growing family.   Dean has been married to his wife, Kim, since 1983 and they have three adult children; Alesha, Allyson, and Preston in addition to a son and daughter-in-love, Aaron & Melannie, along with three grandchildren; Asher, Indie, and Azalea.

Dean and Kim are the founding pastors of Rock Family Church which began in 2004 with 52 people in Colorado Springs, Colorado.  Today, Rock is a vibrant anchor church in the city with several thousand people who call RFC their church home.  A highlight every Sunday is when the “heads up, eyes open, everyone looking around” invitation is given to accept Jesus Christ.  When hands go up, the crowd cheers and celebrates and believers around them come to lead them to Christ.   Click HERE to find out more about Rock Family Church and view services online.

Dean is passionate about assisting pastors and church leaders in fulfilling their call and mission.  As a pastor to pastors, his goal is simple:  What wisdom and experiences can he share to help another pastor’s ministry journey be easier than his own?

Since 2000 Dean Hawk Ministries has equipped and empowered leaders with creative and contagious sermon resources.  Today, all of Dean’s sermons, teaching outlines, and resources are given away free of charge to invest in pastors and help them minister weekly to their congregations.

LEADERSHIP PODCAST:  For over 10 years Dean has produced a monthly podcast to equip and train pastors to fulfill their call in the local church.  Every month Dean tackles a new subject on the “Dean Hawk Leadership Podcast” which is released on the 15th of every month.   Each edition is filled with practical ministry training and insight to help pastors and church leaders grow and reach their full leadership potential.  The podcast is located here on the DHM website and is also available on iTunes, Spotify, YouTube and anywhere you can download podcasts.

PASTOR411:  This new addition to DHM in 2023 is a way for senior pastors to receive one-on-one coaching with Dean and get the 411 information they need for the situation they’re facing.  This free service is available as time permits in Dean’s weekly schedule.    Simply email Dean at with PASTOR411in the subject line with the challenge, question, or situation you’re facing.  He will then set up a coaching call or zoom to talk through solutions with you in person.

Dean serves as the Director of the Merge Pastors network in Colorado Springs with over 300 pastors. “This city is unlike any other I have ever seen.” Dean says.  “The level of unity, comradery, and true friendships among pastors has laid an incredible foundation of love and unity for God to build His Church here in our city!” Each month pastors gather for the specific purpose of building stronger relationships, praying over the city, and to share ideas to make one another better.

Dean has been an adjunct professor at Charis Bible College located in Woodland Park, Colorado since 2010.  He cherishes the opportunity to invest in young leaders and equip them to fulfill the vision God has placed in their heart.  He currently teaches in the 2nd and 3rd year class modules.
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